BSDStammtisch Wien 0x09 2018-11-13

Past meeting 🗓

Tuesday, 2018-11-13, 20:00 (CET) - Caution, an hour later than usual due to limitations in room availability!

Location đŸ—ș

Seminarraum Technische Informatik, Operngasse 9, 1040 Wien Public Transport: U1, U2, U4 Karlsplatz, Bus 59A BĂ€renmĂŒhldurchgang, Nightline N60, N62, N66, N71, Tram 2 (within reasonable walking distance) Bicycle parking: Just around the corner

Attendance 🎟

Free for all people interested in learning or discussing about all things BSD! You are welcome!


  • FreeBSD 10.4 EOL
  • FreeBSD 12 upcoming
  • Book: Absolute FreeBSD, 3rd edition, by Michael W. Lucas
  • BSD powered high-availability gummibaerlampchen talking to hardware using BSD and one-wire and some random hacks
  • Got a topic you'd like to present on? Please do!

  • [FreeBSD 10.4-RELEASE] reached End of Life Status on 2018-10-31.

  • FreeBSD 12 is coming (At BETA 4 at the time of this writing.)
  • Book: Absolute FreeBSD, 3rd edition (No Starch Press), by [Michael W. Lucas](
  • BSD powered high-availability gummibĂ€rlĂ€mpchen talking to hardware using BSD and one-wire and some random hacks OneWire is a serial like protocol that requires two wires and is designed for up to three wires. With a USB to OneWire Adapter you can control the relays which turn on and off the bears. Goal is to run RTEMS on a GRiSP Board which is used to run Erlang applications on a realtime operating system. The GRiSP board sports a FreeBSD network stack, so networking is stable and performant.

There's also Jenkins integration for the “Red Bear alert”.

  • Geek and Poke Webcomic on Best of both worlds regarding statically typed languages. In General Geek and Poke is recommended reading for any sysadmin or developer.

Build your own Gummibear Server!

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