BSDStammtisch Wien 0x05 2018-06-12
Next meeting 🗓
Tuesday, 2018-06-12, 19:00 (CEST)
Location 🗺
Seminarraum Technische Informatik, Operngasse 9, 1040 Wien Public Transport: U1, U2, U4 Karlsplatz, Bus 59A Bärenmühldurchgang, Nightline N60, N62, N66, N71, Tram 2 (within reasonable walking distance) Bicycle parking: Just around the corner
Attendance 🎟
Free for all people interested in learning or discussing about all things BSD! You are welcome!
- Please present your topic!
- pkg(8) and ports best practices, tips and tricks
- how to package software for OpenBSD and FreeBSD
- Show and Tell
- Show us your quick tips and tricks, the tools you use or recently discovered, be it CLI, GUI, web services, that chocolate chip cookie recipe, a book or conference recording, anything goes. No need to prepare anything.
- Chit chat, food and drinks afterwards
Reports and News
- What has happened since the last BSDStammtisch?
Main Topic:
packages, ports, tips and tricks and what to avoid
- via dch@
A minimal port example
Interesting things to put into your
- Autoaccept these licenses:
- Never build Kerberos support (for example in ftp/curl)
- Autoaccept these licenses:
EuroBSDCon 2018-09-22..23 in Bucureşti – România
Show and Tell
Short introductions to tools you like, or that solve a problem for you. This can be anything from GUI, CLI to Webservices, a book, a podcast or conference recording you'd like to recommend or a recipe for chocolate chip cookies. Mmmhhmmmm Cookies! 🍪 No need phor a phanphy prphentaishn.
- textproc/jq Lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
- BSDCan 2018 happend (Schdule)
- Handy utility to identify and mark drives in a chassis. (Like blink the RED LED on them to mark a dead drive to be swapped out for a new one.)
- For LSI/Avago HBAs or RAID controllers:
- SAS2 controllers:
- SAS3 controllers:
- A philospohy of software design (John Ousterhout) ISBN13: 9781732102200
Drinks and Food afterwards
Chit chat, food and drinks afterwards.